Introducing our partnership with Procure.ie
With energy costs being at the forefront of concern in Ireland, we are thrilled to announce our groundbreaking partnership with Procure.ie. At this crucial time, we are committed to providing our valued members with an incredible opportunity to significantly reduce their energy costs.
We couldn’t be more excited about this collaboration, as it opens the door to substantial savings for our members. By joining forces with Procure, we are confident that we can make a significant impact on your energy expenses, ensuring a cozy and worry-free winter season.
How can you take advantage of this extraordinary offer? It’s simple! Just visit www.procure.ie and provide your FECP membership number to unlock exclusive benefits. By doing so, you can potentially save up to a remarkable 55%, on your energy costs!
Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to lower your energy bills and enjoy the comfort you deserve.