Advocacy Committee

Chairperson, Team, Christopher Moran.

This committees action plan is to create change and deal with issues such as short, medium and long term funding for the sector. They work very closely with the SME recovery Ireland plan which is to ensure small and medium business is sustained.

Membership Committee:

A major undertaking to collect membership from our 1500 members, register them and ensure that contact details are kept up to date. Fees are accepted by secure service when you complete the online application form.

Survey Committee:

This is a wonderful service because we can get instant feedback from service providers and parents which helps formulate the Federations goals and plans.

Communication Committee:

Chairperson, Christopher Moran.

Updates are sent twice weekly to our members on issues that are pertinent.

Well Being Committee:

Chairperson. Roberta Hines.

During this unprecedented crisis we all want to help ourselves; our children and our families find coping strategies to ease the stress regarding Covid-19. ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) can empower teachers to help children and families become more resilient and better able to adapt to life’s challenges.

IBEC Committee:

Chairperson, Fiona Bow. Team, Celine Govern, Crona Byrne and Connie Hannon.

The Federation established a working group in April to contact Ibec after initial contact had been made and established from Dec to March. There has been a huge positive support for this group and  now include most of the Providers groups. There will be a small group of four covering all service types chosen from this large group to work directly with Ibec to get united support for Providers across Ireland.

Social Media Committee:

Team: Sarah Ward, Natasha Moore, Ann Daly and Anne Morrissey

New FB, Instagram and Twitter accounts have been set up and the new Fb page will be for members only.

Strategic Planning Committee:

Chairperson, Elaine Dunne. Team, Fiona Bowe, Connie Hannon.

The strategy committee are working effectively to reach out to various stakeholders. This is a key committee at a critical time in childcare.

Insurance Committee:

Chairperson, Sonya Duggan.

We are currently in active talks with a number of brokers and Insurers who are prepared to consider a formal underwriting proposal for The Federation of Early Childhood Providers.

Maybe you have some extra time and a skillset you can share with us so we will continue to grow?

Please contact us on our social media platforms by Private message.